澳洲AS/NZS ISO 8124


2016-07-01 10:08:46

澳洲AS/NZS ISO 8124

AS/NZS ISO 8124-1 Australian / New Zealand Standard Safety of Toys Part 1:

Safety Aspects Related to Mechanical and Physical Properties 物理机械性测试 (ISO 8124-1 MOD)

(a) Without Sound module 不发声玩具

(b) With Sound module 发声玩具

(c) Mouth-actuated Toys口动玩具

(d) 7000 Cycles Switch Test for Chest 玩具柜的7000次开关测试

(e) Ride-on Toys 乘骑玩具


AS/NZS ISO 8124-2 Australian / New Zealand Standard Safety of Toys Part 2:

Flammability 燃烧测试(ISO 8124-2 MOD)

(a)Finished Product 成品

(b)Pile fabric or material 绒毛织物或绒毛材料


AS/NZS ISO 8124-3 Australian / New Zealand Standard Safety of Toys Part 3:

Migration of Certain Elements 限制元素溶出量测试 (ISO 8124-3 MOD)

元素: 铅(Pb) 砷(As) 锑(Sb) 钡(Ba) 镉(Cd) 铬(Cr) 汞(Hg) 硒(Se)

限值: 90 25 60 1000 75 60 60 500 单位:(PPm)